Monday 30 July 2007

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 64 sleep 6+54 mostly sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

I drive the Lexus to Indiana, PA for an 8:00 am appointment & an alignment @ the Toyota dealer. I also wanted the rotors checked for warping. To my amazement, they were finished in about an hr. Their metal lathe for shaving the rotors was caput so I’ll need to visit them @ another time.

Next, a visit to Wal-Mart where I buy an in-line fuse holder with extra fuses, a male & female towing plug for our Suzuki & some much needed groceries.

Back in our circular drive, I continue working on the van glitches. With the in-line fuse holder in place with fuse, now the main inside lights work normal but the valance lights do not. With a little sleuth work, I discover a taped cable nearly hidden along the inside lower wall; remove the tape, and, voila! After 23 yrs, this connection worked itself loose & detached. Joining them together again with new tape brings the valance lights back to life.

After that exciting adventure, I change jobs & begin replacing the male side of our towing connectors on the Suzuki. This took some time as the connector was all rusted inside so I ended up soldering each tip of the wire end & then inserting them into the new plug where a small screw holds them in place. My soldering iron tip broke apart as I was using it (it was aluminum), so a quick trip to Barnesboro to the Radio Shack & I am back in business with copper soldering iron tips; they last longer. Another hr finishes that job & then it’s time for wine & cheese.

Dinner: Italian sausage & whole wheat pasta with spaghetti sauce & mixed salad.

Evening reading + Kathy talks with Melissa about # 4 grandchild; any day now.

High temp=82 Lights out: 11:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 7, 2007 10:22 PM.

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