Thursday 30 November 2006

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Awake: 6:31am Temp 72 sleep 6+34 sunny, strong wind, then rain
overnight @ Aransas Pass, Texas.

1st thing this morning, I tune into the weather channel & see a line of
strong activity heading in the direction of this area. We were planning on
heading further south today but, after I stepped outside & looked to the
west, I thought differently.

Later K & I walk over to the office & talk with Ben about staying another
day; he checks his computer, groans a little & finally says: “Yes, you can
stay in that site another day.”
Then I call our next campground & delay our arrival until tomorrow.

Our temperature here @ Aransas Pass has dropped 24 degrees in 3 hrs with
winds close to 50 mph. And by 9:00 the rain starts, very heavy at times.
We are comfortable with our decision to hang around for another day.

Shortly after 2:00pm, the rain slows to a drizzle & the winds subside
considerably…..enough so that the brave Alaskan lady challenges the
elements & takes a trip to the local Wal-Mart.

4:00pm social hour; our pool playing skills reached new highs today. I
don’t know if the wild weather had anything to do with it or not….but it
was amazing. The dazzling effects spared no man whether he was using an
expensive pool cue or not. None of us could shoot worth a darn; shooting
more than one ball in the pocket in a row was totally out-of-the-question.
After our hr was up, we all laughed about it, but down deep, some of us
were humbled by the experience.

6:30 dinner: Chicken & broccoli stir fry with brown rice & garlic bread.

Late evening: we watch the history channel featuring the making of: Crispy
Cream donuts; Pork Rinds; Beef Jerky; Popcorn, etc. Yes, it was

High temp=72 Lights out: 11:26pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 4, 2006 8:27 PM.

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