Wednesday 29 November 2006

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Awake: 5:54am Temp 72 sleep 6+10 sunny overnight @ Aransas Pass, TX.

For curiosity & exercise, K & I take a walk out of our campground area,
cross the street & walk a short distance south to another campground
called: “ICW.” We stop @ their office & ask if it’s OK to walk around in
their campground area. “No problem” the young lady says. As we approach
the RV units, it seems kind of strange to me that this ICW Park has the
RV’s all lined up on both sides of a wide & very long road. In about the
middle of this (mile long road?), another road is perpendicular turning to
the left, then parallels the mile long road. Aha, finally I figure it out:
it’s a retired airport. The locals confirm that deduction & some think it
was an early military airport.

After our walk & with the help of my bird book, I positively identify the
White Pelican & the Great Egret; I’m still looking @ clues to make sure of
the Double Crested Cormorant & the Tri-colored Heron.

Our 4:00pm social hr was wonderful for me. Again I partner with my ole 1st
day partner(Mike) & we….mostly Mike, take every game except the one I
accidentally knock the 8 ball in before it’s time. Winning is great but I
know it can’t last. Monday’s partner Frank, & I play 2 games after the
social hr is over. We each have a win & leave it as a tie.

6:25 Dinner: Stuffed peppers, spinach salad & garlic bread.

Late Satellite movie: “Stage Door” with Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers,
Adolphe Menjou, Andrea Leeds, Lucille Ball, etc. A theatrical boarding
house is the setting for this film; Hepburn is the rich girl trying to
succeed on her own; Menjouis the propositioning producer; Leeds as the
hyper-sensitive actress & several stars to be, especially Lucille Ball.
1937. Some great one-liners. Move it up on your must-see list.

High temp=77 Lights out: 11:57pm

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