Tuesday 17 October 2006

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Awake: 6:21am Temp 34 sleep 6+11 sunny start overnight @
Stowe, Vermont.

We leave the Goldbrook Campground in Stowe @ 8:15am. Taking I-89 west to
Burlington; then hwy 7 south to hwy 22A to Fairhaven, hwy 4 to Fort Ann,
N.Y. Hwy 149 to I-87 south to I-81 then 5 miles on this toll road to I-80.
Kathy has been filling in as navigator for our DVD GPS system. Something
has slowed down our GPS unit; it works fine under 30 mph, after that it
moves backward. We paid no tolls today what-so-ever. I-81 was free for the
5 miles we used it & Kathy is my hero for helping avoid those tolls.

Rain began about the same time we entered upper New York State & remained
with us until we stopped for the night. The rain, heavy @ times was not so
bad; it was the cornering head wind & a cross wind with gusts that was a
real nuisance. It wore me out!

By the time darkness was nearing, we decided to simplify our camping stop
& selected a Super Wal-Mart @ Mineral Springs, PA. fairly close to
Clearfield. Unfortunately we missed seeing this W-M within a mile of I-80
on the 1st pass, drove into town, found a parking lot to make a U turn,
climbed the hill it was located on & parked far from the W-M building
arriving @ 6:24pm.

Today’s travel: 10+02 time 548 miles 75.9 gal used 7.2 mpg 56.1 avg
speed. (2) Comfort stops en-route.

8:00pm dinner: Large spinach salad with numerous chunks of ham. I also
have a leftover piece of meatloaf & toast because I did more work than
Kathy today.

After dinner, with no rain, Kathy walks over to Wal-Mart & grocery shops +
buys a blouse & a belt to wear to her Grade School Reunion coming up this
weekend in Chicago.

During her shopping time, I check the weather channel & watch some news.

Today’s travel high temp=62 elevation 1285 ft Lights out: 11:08pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 25, 2006 6:59 PM.

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