Monday 16 October 2006

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Awake: 6:41am Temp 35 sleep 6+47 sunny overnight @ Stowe, Vermont.

A casual morning for us: Kathy watching her choice TV programs & I
spending time on our computer. Later, we both get involved in our hwy
routing to take us southwest initially, then west. Kathy joins in the fun
by looking up: open for the season campgrounds, super-center Wal-Marts,
Flying “J” truck stops/rest stops, etc.

I program the GPS for the Woodland Campground in Clearfield, PA on I-80.
We don’t know if we’ll go that far tomorrow due to traffic and/or
potential weather.

Early evening, I retract the slides so dew won’t collect on them overnight.

8:25pm dinner: Meatloaf with gravy, cooked veggies with a cream sauce &
fried whole wheat noodles.

Late evening: I chat with Zack in Seattle for 40 min, then Kathy chats
with Zack for 30 min. He sounds great!

Late evening satellite movie: “Tomorrow is Forever” with Claudette
Colbert, Orson Welles, George Brent, Lucile Watson, Natalie Wood, etc.
Welles is listed dead in WWI returning decades later with a new face to
find wife Colbert remarried to Brent. It kept me awake, but my partner?

High temp=55 Lights out: 12:10am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 25, 2006 6:52 PM.

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