Thursday 7 September 2006

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Awake: 5:15am Temp 51 sleep 6+42 clear overnight @

Melissa calls @ 7:30am….she is thinking of visiting us today. K & I attend
8:00am Mass…then join the Koffee Klub afterward.

@ 11:30am, I pick up my neighbor, Al, drive to the Spangler bank where Al
had some business to attend to. Then drive to Barnesboro & stop @ the FCB
(another bank) with more business to take care of. I know this sounds
rather suspicious but Al was in the banking business for yrs and is now
retired….so I assure you, he’s clean.

We are on our way to attend the weekly Cambria Hills Rotary club meeting.
We are 15 min late & the members gathered there are already eating.
Unfortunately, the Rotary cook did not cook today; her husband was taken
to the hospital this morning with the flu so she quickly ordered a pizza &

Today I was formally inducted into the Rotary Club with all the proper
pomp & circumstance that one normally gets when becoming a member. Plus,
Al & I had our picture taken in front of the flag. I do like the people
who usually attend these weekly meetings, but @ this time, I’ll be missing
quite a few of them because of our travels.

The meeting plus lunch takes about an hr then back to Nicktown with a stop
@ the FCB in Barnesboro, a stop @ Pat’s home in Nicktown & a stop to drop
Al off @ his home. I am back to our bus @ 1:50pm.

Melissa & the boys had arrived 20 min ago & everyone was inside the coach
snacking when I walked in. With such a nice day, eventually we all went
outdoors where I introduced Matthew to the art of flying paper airplanes.
He liked seeing me throw the plane into the air & how far it flew, but he
had difficulty launching or throwing the airplane himself. I’ll be patient
& try it again sometime. What Matthew did enjoy though, was shooting white
moths out of the air with a powerful fine water spray from the pump house.
They don’t die though; they just get a good soaking. The Footes leave
around 4:30.

I won't be spending any time on the inverter glitch today; Tomorrow I'll
try & get back to it!

7:10 dinner: Stir-fry chicken with rice, cucumber & tomato salad with bread.

Satellite move: “Pieces of April” with Katie Holmes, Patricia Clarkson,
Oliver Platt, etc. Even though she lives in a small New York apartment on
the lower East Side, April (Holmes) summons the courage to invite her
extended and somewhat estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course
anything that can go wrong will, leaving April to improvise as she
attempts to bring a little holiday cheer to those she loves, including a
mother dying of cancer. 2003.
We liked this movie.

Today’s high=78 Lights out: 11:09pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2006 9:16 AM.

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