Friday 8 September 2006

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Awake: 4:45am Temp 56 sleep 5+36 clear overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I walk to the community center, exercise for 45 min, attend 8:00am
Mass & then join the Koffee Klub meeting for 1.2 hrs before walking back
to our bus for breakfast.

Late morning, Kathy drives to the Foote home to help Melissa put a
bookshelf/cubicle together in an upstairs bedroom which will be used in
organizing games, crafts and books. I have phone calls to make & other
things to do, so I stay @ the bus.

I call Pen Diesel in Bedford again & ask if they steam clean engines? And,
what do they charge for 8d AGM batteries? Plus a few other incidental

Today, I want to get our inverter working. On Wednesday, before calling
the Newell technicians, I tried calling the Statpower Corporation who
makes the inverter. The auto answer systems led me to some beautiful
classical music which I listened to for nearly 5 min & then hung up. I
thought maybe I pushed a wrong button. The 2nd time I called, again it led
me to that same classical music. So I gave up & called the Newell bunch.
Well today, I was more patient when calling & gave myself 10 min for
listening to that beautiful music & then, a real voice answered after 7
min. Francis is one of ten techs that listen to people like me report a
fault or other problems with their Statpower unit & give them over the
phone assistance. This company is located in Burnaby, British Columbia
with a US phone number.

Francis begins by asking a series of questions: What model do you have?
What equipment is it being used in? How long have you had it? What are the
symptoms of your problem, etc? Francis pretty well follows the same
method & troubleshooting procedures that I am monitoring in my Statpower
guide & the same as the Newell tech’s used…..with one exception: at the
very end of his procedure, he mentioned a small bi-pass switch on the
inverter itself. I had to ask him twice; “where is it?” “Look @ the
diagram on page 5” he says. “I don’t have that diagram in my manual” I
tell him. I took our cordless phone outside, crawled into the basement
storage area where our inverter is attached to the wall, used my
flashlight & sure enough, there was a very small indentation in the
inverter chassis; inside that indentation was a very small switch. He told
me to throw that switch from “on to bi-pass, then back to on & your
inverter should work.” “Hot Diggity!” the inverter is working. I couldn’t
thank him enough.

I felt so good about this accomplishment; I put on my working gloves, went
over to my near neighbor Chuck (age 78) & helped him unload a pick-up load
of firewood.

Shortly thereafter, Kathy returns from visiting the Footes. I demonstrated
the good news to her & we celebrated by having a glass of wine before
dinner. Of course, we usually have a glass of wine before dinner anyway,
but this time we had some good Swiss cheese along with the wine.

8:00pm dinner: Alaska salmon, Gary C’s green beans from his garden,
broccoli with baby Bella mushrooms & rice.

Satellite movie: “Harold & Maude” with Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon, Vivian
Pickles, Cyril Cusack, etc. A loving relationship between 20-yr-old Cort,
who is obsessed with death, & 79-yr old swinger Gordon. 1972. It is
definitely different….but interesting to experience.

Today’s high=78 Lights out: 11:01pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2006 12:08 PM.

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