Wednesday 29 March 2006

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Awake: 4:33am Temp 39 Foggy to partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We drive to the community center, and exercise for 1.0 hr. Frank, Al
& Donna, Theresa & another young lady are with us in the workout room.
Then we join the "12 conversations @ one time" coffee club members for 40
min before attending the 9:30am children's Mass with Father Pat.

After breakfast, we finalize the packing of suitcases; I make a quick
visit to Carol's business across town, then back to our bus to make
for leaving our home-on-wheels parked for awhile: Min heat, water pump
off, blinds closed, sewer hose cleaned & stored, etc. During my outside
time, Kathy is making stuffed peppers & toast for a late lunch & tuna
salad to take along with us for a light dinner. Our near neighbor Chuck,
strolls over to wish us safe travels & lets us know that he will be
monitoring our bus.

We get a later start than planned...driving to Barnesboro to drop off some
books at the library, then taking a different route to Indiana for
different scenery(took more time than we expected)we arrive @ the Footes
around 4:30pm. During our visit, I call my brother plus Gary & Rosemary &
thank them again for Monday's social visit & dinner.

1.5 hrs later, we are back on the road to Pittsburgh arriving @ our
Microtel Hotel @ 7:50. This type of hotel works great for us: It's a park,
sleep & fly with no extra fee for parking a car unless one lingers longer
than arranged.

9:00pm dinner: Tuna salad with mixed nuts.

Late evening: read USA Today newspaper & watch weather channel & more news.

High temp: 55 Lights out: 11:45pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 6, 2006 5:05 PM.

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