Tuesday 28 March 2006

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Awake 5:28am Temp 36 Cloudy Overnight @ Nicktown

K & I attend 8:00am Mass @ Nicktown, then join the relaxed coffee club
members for 50 min.

After breakfast, I run the motorhome's diesel engine for 10 min, re-level
the coach & run the hydraulic system a little by running # 1 slide in &

We drive to Indiana @ 3:30 & visit the Footes & play with Matthew by
creating a toy train. Since their trip to DC via train over last weekend,
Matthew's interest in trains has esculated considerably. Then K & I spend
time going through our things the Footes moved back to PA from Alaska that
are being stored in their basement. There are over a dozen boxes that we
casually look over & find our Anchorage library cards, lock for locker use
@ the Alaska Club + Kathy finds her white sweater that she likes, a jacket
& slacks et cetera.

Melissa invites us for 5:45 dinner: Tuscan chicken with black beans, soup
with Tostitos. Back to our bus @ 7:35.

Later evening: watch satellite movie: "Bedtime Story" with Loretta Young &
Eve Arden. A good story.

Next movie: "Come Sleep with Me" with Jimmy Stewart. Another good story.

High temp: 54 Lights out: 11:06pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 6, 2006 3:22 PM.

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