Saturday 15 April 2006

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Awake: 7:10am Temp 57 Overcast…then sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We join the welcoming coffee club members for 40 min. It appears that they
have missed us @ the meetings & we tell them: “it’s good to be back here
with you.” After breakfast, I set up the direct water connection from the
outside faucet to the portable filters & the motorhome. Freezing temps
are, more or less, gone for the summer….so no more having to fill up the
pure water holding tank until we start traveling again.

My sister Corinne calls from Lilly & brings us up-to-date on: “what’s been
happening locally, in New Castle with our niece, & in Ohio with our Aunts.

It’s such a nice afternoon, Kathy & I take our before dinner wine outside
with us & simply walk around our property.

6:15 dinner: Parmesan chicken, broccoli, baked potato & toast.

Movie from Satellite: “Pretty in Pink.” Nice chick flick.

8:30pm to 10:30pm: Easter Sunday Vigil Mass & Saint Nicholas Church.

High temp=61 Lights out: 12:09am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 26, 2006 9:45 AM.

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