Friday 14 April 2006

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Detroit Metro to Pittsburgh flight time: 43 min. Arrive @ Pittsburgh @
7:43am. The Microtel shuttle picks us up & returns us to our parked
Suzuki….then we drive 30 sec to the nearby Starbucks for coffee.

We make 3 stops en route to Nicktown: Sheetz for fuel just outside of
Ebensburg, Walmart & the Westend Market for groceries in Ebensburg &
arrive in Nicktown @ 1:15pm. Our nearest neighbor Chuck greets us with a
wave & a shout of “welcome back.” He’s all dressed up so I ask him why?
“Good Friday church service @ 2:00pm” he says. Hmmm, I think we will join

The church was packed….standing room only & lasted 1 hr 15 min. By the
way, all systems were working fine on our motorhome & we picked up our
local mail @ the post office after leaving the church.

6:30 dinner: Tuna casserole, asparagus, mixed salad & toast.

Watch movie from satellite: “It’s good to be alive.” An inspiring story
based on how the catcher Roy Campanella struggled with self-respect after
his automobile wreck during the prime of his baseball career.

Late evening: Gary & Grace J. call from eastern PA. We have a good talk &
hope to have them visiting us with their motorhome in September.

Later evening: I call my buddy Kenny in Anchorage.

It’s good to be back home again.

High temp=61 Lights out: 11:32pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 23, 2006 10:29 AM.

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