Sunday 19 March 2006

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Awake: 4:50am Temp 24 Mostly cloudy Overnight @ Nicktown

Kathy makes whole wheat sourdough pancakes with eggs & bacon for breakfast.

This morning we do some spring cleaning & organizing inside our motorhome.

@ 2:00pm Sally & Gene arrive from across town. We’ve been trying to have
them over to our home-on-wheels for over a month now (no hurry). They are
going to Alaska in June with family members, doing a self tour & would
like our suggestions & ideas of what to see & do beyond the usual touristy
spots. 2 hrs later, we exhausted our think tanks. Sally & Gene are good
people; we see them often so we’ll pass along more ideas when we can.

6:30 dinner: Pork tenderloin, sautéd mixed veggies, leftover sweet
potatoes, rice & apple sauce.

Watch movie from Satellite: “Lucas.” Excellent teen tale of young love; we
both enjoyed the tenderness & soft feelings that were exhibited.

Next movie from Satellite: “Seven-per-cent solution.” A fast-paced
adventure with many touches of humor….trying to rid Sherlock Holmes’s of
his cocaine addiction. This also was an interesting story to experience.

High temp: 38 Lights out: 11:38pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2006 2:11 PM.

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