Saturday 18 March 2006

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Awake: 5:24am Temp 20 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We attend 8:00 am Mass, then join the weird coffee club members for 20 min.
After breakfast, I read ½ of Kevin’s Space Pak manual which is somewhat

@ noon time, Kathy makes a trip to the Barnesboro library & thrift stores.
After Kathy returns around 3:00pm we lunch on some leftover crab Creole,
Triscuits & mixed nuts.

Mid afternoon, using my newly purchased high tech Fluke multimeter, I
troubleshoot my old homebuilt meter of 32 yrs & discover one of the 2
sliding switches is worn out…rendering it unusable for a number of
functions. Sometime I’ll try & rebuild that switch & perhaps get it
working again. It’s been a great small, handy & rugged meter.

We attend the 6:00 pm vigil Mass in Nicktown. Because of our late lunch,
we simply have a large salad for dinner, then later, watch the History
Channel coverage on the Bermuda Triangle + the Weather Channel while
munching on fresh popcorn.

High temp: 39 Lights out: 10:58pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2006 2:06 PM.

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