Saturday 4 March 2006

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Awake: 5:13am Temp 21 Snow flurries Overnight @ Nicktown

We attend 8:00am Mass, then join the buoyant coffee club members for 30
min & help celebrate Pat’s retirement after 35 yrs with the U.S. Postal
Service + Dave (the Mayor)’s 73rd birthday. Then K & I hustle back to our
bus for breakfast & dash out to the Foote home slightly after 10:00am?

While Kevin is cleaning out the attic knee wall areas of stuff left from
the previous home owner, plus taking measurements for the Space Pak air
conditioning air handler & trunk lines, I continue with the wiring of the
upper bathroom. I truly expected to finish up today but when Kevin & I
tested the circuits, only 2 of the 4 were powered. Oops, so I’ll be back
next week.

4:45pm dinner: Melissa makes a delicious meal of beef curry with noodles,
broccoli & salad. Then unfortunately, we have to eat & run.

Back to our bus @ 5:45, change clothes & attend the 6:00 pm Vigil Mass. We
neglected to buy petrol for the Suzuki while in Indiana thus those fumes
we were running on sank to a new low before gassing up @ the Sheetz
service station in Northern Spangler after Mass.

Late evening: Watch movie from the satellite: “Oscar & Lucinda.”
Different, amusing & unpredictable!

High temp? Lights out: 11:38pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 10, 2006 9:36 AM.

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