Friday 3 March 2006

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Friday 3 March 2006

Awake: 5:32am Temp 21 Partly cloudy with flurries Overnight @

We do a good hr of exercise @ the community center before attending 8:00am
Mass…..then join the Triumphant coffee club members for over an hr.

A casual afternoon for us & such a relief today for thousands of people in
several counties who would have been negatively affected if that Acid Rock
plan would have succeeded.

We watch the last 1/3 of “The High & the Mighty” with John Wayne & Robert
Stack while I start programming our remote unit for the living room
entertainment units.

7:05 dinner: Tuna & noodle casserole with toast.

Late evening: Watch documentary: “The Disappearance of Amelia Earhart.”

High temp: 31 Lights out: 10:37pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 6, 2006 6:05 PM.

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