Wednesday 15 February 2006

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Awake: 5:46am Temp 39 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to the community center for 1.4 hrs of exercise. Al & Donna show up
during our workout & Kathy gives them a tour of the workout machines. Next
we join the politically correct coffee club members for 40 min. Then
attend the 9:30am children’s Mass.

Getting back to that small check valve that arrived from the Newell Corp a
few days ago: The fix that I thought was taken care of by adding heat in
the compressor compartment on Monday the 6th, lasted only 2 days & then
shut itself down. We switched over to the 12 volt backup air compressor
which produces enough pressure to handle the entry door, toilet flushing,
pocket doors, et cetera but not with robust action. The max pressure of
the backup system is ½ of the normal pressure.

Since today’s outside temp is forecasted to be in the high 40’s, this will
be a better day for switching out the old (stuck) check valve on the 120
volt air compressor system & replacing it with a larger & hopefully more
reliable one. Before I begin this project, a call to Claude @ the Newell
service facility is in order. He passes on some helpful tips & procedures
that he guarantees will come in handy.

3 hrs later, Claude’s tips & ideas prove to be accurate. On the final
assembly however, my progress slowed to a halt: the remaining pressure
line to be connected just wouldn’t take to the threads no matter how I
held my mouth. Kathy had been to the library and grocery shopping during
most of my 3 hrs of labor. When she arrived, she volunteered to give it a
try even though I reminded her that my last 20 min of trying were
unsuccessful. Would you believe, she had the magic touch on the 2nd
attempt & again, she’s my heroine! The power on switch brought the system
back to life again with normal air pressure.

7:10 dinner: Leftover meatloaf, gravy, spinach salad & toast.

Later evening: watch a video movie from the Barnesboro library collection:
“The Client” with Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Jones & Brad Renfro. Never a
dull moment thriller!

High temp: 49 Lights out: 11:17pm

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