Thursday 16 February 2006

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Awake: 4:43am Temp 42 Clear—cloudy—rain, then sunny Overnight @

Drive to the community center & attend the 8:00am Communion service, then
join the reminiscent coffee club members for 35 min.

After breakfast, I call DirecTV to begin setting up to receive satellite
signals. The young lady I was talking with sounded Asian & was a little
difficult to understand. After a long 30 min, I requested a supervisor to
ask a few more questions that this young lady was not being very clear on.
The so-called supervisor had little to say so I was suspicious that it
might simply have been another nearby co-worker. Frustration was slowly
building so it was best to bow out & try another number.

The next young lady from a different state had her act together & in no
time we were beginning to get some satellite signals & sharp pictures from
space. About this same time, Melissa, Matthew & Andrew arrived for a
visit. We had just begun the technical setup but our visitors were more
important than those satellite signals so I shut it down & we’ll do this
technical stuff tomorrow. Every time Matthew visits us & looks @ all the
buttons, switches & things that are associated with our motorhome, his
smile is unbeatable. As soon as he arrived, Matthew was ready for cookies
and milk and Kathy was ready to oblige.

20 min later, Florentz & Anna pay us an unexpected visit. Now I am really
glad I shut down the satellite setup. Florentz was interviewed on channel
6 TV news on Tuesday in regards to Monday’s Heilwood meeting on the acid
rock & fly ash dilemma. He had the tape of his interview & wanted us to
watch it. Florentz spoke about some common sense probabilities of what the
state should & should NOT do.

Kathy readies the healthy snack tray & dishes for F & A while I pour the
wine. It was challenging and awkward trying not to ignore Matthew, talk
with F & A & not leave Melissa out of the circle. It was not an ideal
visit with the 3 Footes, but Matthew handled the situation very well &
Melissa seemed to be OK with the extra intrusion. Melissa and her boys
left after about an hour. F & A stayed about another hour and we did have
some interesting discussions along with some good snacks & wine.

Dinner: Popcorn while we watch ½ of a video movie from the Barnesboro
library collection: “Fly Away Home.”

High temp: 59 Lights out: 11:09pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 24, 2006 11:56 AM.

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