Saturday 7 January 2006

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Awake: 6:30am Temp 20 Snow flurries Overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

We visit the Footes in Indiana, arriving @ 10:10am. I agreed to help Kevin
with a minor plumbing project which I estimated should have taken less
than an hr…… turns out it took twice that time. We shut the main water off
@ the source, then drained sinks, showers, etc., but we still had a little
water dripping into the pipes to be soldered. After a few head scratches
we finally found the hidden & forgotten shower….then our soldering job was
finished within 10 min.

I spend some time playing with Matthew while Kathy holds Andrew & talks
with Melissa.

Dinner with the Footes: Lasagna & Caesar salad.

Back to our bus in Nicktown @ 6:50pm.

Gary & Grace call from Landenberg, PA. We talk for over an hr about the
swept wing top secret project & other miscellaneous items. It was great
hearing from them.

Lights out: 10:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 12, 2006 6:09 PM.

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