Friday 6 January 2006

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Awake: 7:05am Temp 28 Cloudy with snow flurries Overnight @
Nicktown, PA.

Mid morning, Kathy’s kitchen is humming again; this time it’s a good sized
Lasagna dish & the dressing and lettuce for Caesar salad + baked
chocolate/peanut butter cookies for dessert. The Caesar salad will be made
fresh tomorrow morning however.

@ 10:10am I visit our post office & pick up our mail that was forwarded
from Alaska. Besides getting our Alaska mail, I’ve been expecting a
package from Barnes & Noble of West Pittsburgh containing my 2006 Desk
Journal & it hasn’t arrived yet. Not that I am the impatient one but that
was 2 days ago…that B & N is only 80 miles from here. Anyway, I make a
phone call to that B & N & ask: “Did you ship my journal?” The lady
suggested that I call back after lunch as the shipping clerk is out to
lunch. Shortly after I hang up…..our door bell rings: the UPS man delivers
my 2006 Desk Journal.

Today’s kitchen time for Kathy: 9 hrs. She tells me that when she makes
more than one meal @ a time, she has to clean up the used bowls, pots,
pans, etc in order to have them available to use on the next cooking
project as well as to have a little more counter room & that takes extra

7:00 dinner: Leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes & gravy, spinach salad &

Evening time: Kathy’s turn on the computer, I read.

High temp 29 Lights out: 11:07pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 12, 2006 9:20 AM.

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