Saturday 21 January 2006

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Awake: 5:06am Temp 46 Intermittent rain Overnight @ Nicktown

We make (2) round trips to Indiana today: 1st was to visit the Footes and
Denise, bring a spinach salad that Kathy made for supper and do some
needed grocery shopping @ Martin’s & Wal-Mart for us and the Footes en
route. Then @ 12:30, bring Denise back for a tour of Nicktown, Kirschtown,
the ole brick road & then our motorhome.

During our time in the motorhome, Kathy & Denise do a couple loads of
laundry, while we do some more yakking and catching up, eat some healthy
snacks, drink some even healthier wine & watch some of our Asian Pacific
cruise slides on the plasma screen. Around 4:15 we start driving back to
Indiana for more visiting & 5:10 dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce,
Melissa’s homemade rolls, almond green beans & Kathy’s large bowl of
spinach salad + more wine.

Kathy & Denise clean up the dishes & kitchen counter while Kevin takes a
shower & bathes Matthew….then takes Matthew upstairs & reads to him for 30
to 40 min. Meanwhile Melissa is nursing, changing & rocking Andrew &
talking with me. Then Kevin & Melissa exchange roles: Melissa then lies
with Matthew until he falls asleep while Kevin holds & rocks Andrew while
visiting with us downstairs. It’s usually a 2 hr procedure getting Matthew
to bed each night. Around 9:00pm we say our goodbyes to Kevin & Denise &
drive back to Nicktown.

Arriving in Nicktown, we park on the church hall grounds & attend the
Bluegrass night. The place was literally packed with people. A parking
space was difficult to find outside as well as a place to sit down inside.
We stayed for over an hr….as neither of us are bluegrass music fans but I
wanted to see a few people who I thought might be there & sure enough,
they were…….so it was a good idea we checked out the local entertainment.

High today: 48 Lights out: 10:54pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 26, 2006 1:07 PM.

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