Friday 20 January 2006

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Awake: 5:05am Temp 48 Cloudy Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to the community center for 45 min of exercise…..then attend 8:00am
Mass & afterward, spend 50 min with the factual coffee club members.

The remaining morning was casual for us. Later Kathy makes a large tossed
salad to take along to the Footes for dinner later today.

@ 2:30pm we drive to the Footes…..I spend time building log houses &
putting puzzles together with Matthew while Melissa is making dinner.
Kathy carries Andrew around for awhile….then our roles reverse & she plays
with Matthew while I carry Andrew around.

Moments before Melissa announces dinner, I open a bottle of wine & begin
pouring…..just as the door bell dings: It’s Denise! She has a 3 day
layover with FedEx in Cleveland and decided a more enjoyable way to spend
the weekend would be to drive to the Footes for a visit. Her timing
couldn’t have been better. I think it’s been 1.5 yrs since we’ve hung out
with Denise so it’s good to see her again. She, Mike, and I use to
celebrate our August birthdays together & Denise and Mike, now her
husband, are godparents for Matthew so her visit is two-fold.

5:30 dinner: Breaded chicken casserole, rice, broccoli & Kathy’s large
bowl of tossed salad. The dinner meal was absolutely delicious…Melissa’s
getting to be quite a good cook! During dinner & for several hrs
afterward we have a lot of catching up to do with Denise, including her
and Mike’s wedding & Mike’s retirement party photos. We’ll be visiting the
Footes again tomorrow. Back to our bus @ 9:05pm.

High today: 52 Lights out: 9:54pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 26, 2006 1:02 PM.

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