Sunday 11 December 2005

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Awake: 5:20am Temp 33 High clouds Elevation 2600 ft Overnight
@ Monahans, TX.

We wait until daylight to leave the Country Club RV Resort @ 7:31am. We
could have started earlier not realizing the clear blue sky in our
direction of travel. Now I am thinking about going “all the way” to the
Newell factory campground & avoiding the Monday traffic & road maintenance
slowdowns, etc. Kathy’s opinion: “It’s a long distance but you’re the
I sip only enough water to stay hydrated…& make 2 stops, one for fuel @
Flying “J” in Tulsa & a bathroom break. The last 3 hrs were night driving
with a lot of concrete barriers on both sides & single lane traffic….just
what I try to avoid.

Arrive @ the Newell factory campground @ 8:20pm & with 3 parking sites
available…lucky for us, many times there are none coming in late on a
Sunday night.

Today’s travel: 12+25 time 751 miles 88 gal used 8.64 mpg
61.4 avg speed.

9:45pm dinner: Leftover Italian sausage with whole wheat noodles, spinach
salad & toast.

We are tired but save enough energy to stay awake & watch the movie: “Dead
Men Don’t Wear Plaid;” amazing editing….staring Steve Martin.

Lights out: 11:00pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 18, 2005 6:13 AM.

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