Saturday 10 December 2005

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 33 Clear Elevation 3580 ft Overnight@
Benson, AZ

We leave the Butterfield RV Resort campground @ 7:37am. It was another
great weather day for traveling X-country….smooth roads, little wind,
reasonable traffic volume, etc.

Today Kathy enjoyed hrs of cell phone talk as we motor along the highways
& byways. 1st Katrina calls from Denver….then Kathy calls her girlfriend
Marge in Grand Junction, CO…next I ask her to call my brother Don in PA…we
leave him a msg…later she calls our friends Gary & Rosemary in St.
Augustine, PA…then Donna in Nicktown…next she calls for her girlfriend
Jodi in Memphis, TN & talks with her husband. Listening to one side of her
conversations is better than listening to a talk show, very entertaining
trying to casually figure out what the other person is talking about.

Arrive @ the Country Club RV Resort in Monahans, Texas @ 5:20pm. Kathy
called this park about an hr out to confirm space availability. Due to the
nice driving weather today, we elected to go an additional 150 miles
further than originally planned.

Today’s travel: 8+37 time 518.2 miles 57.25 gal used 9.05 mpg 60.7
avg speed

7:30pm dinner: Italian sausage with spaghetti & mixed salad + toast.

Evening time: We watch the “weather channel” for tomorrows forecasted


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 18, 2005 6:09 AM.

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