Saturday 9 July 2005

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Awake: 6:25am Temp 71 High thin clouds Overnight @ Redding, CA

Walk around the campground 30 min for exercise.

Kathy does 3 laundry loads…including the bed sheets this morning.

We haven’t had any calls from the Foote’s…so I call & leave a msg. Then I
literally spend hrs on our computer trying to encourage the machine to
communicate with our printer….I am baffled so I call Nick & leave a msg.

We attend 5:30 mass @ St Joseph church in Redding. Afterward, we do a
little grocery shopping @ the Food Maxx near the Redding Mall
Complex….good prices.

We ate a fairly good sized lunch this afternoon so for dinner tonight:
Healthy snacks of parmesan chips topped with sun dried tomatoes, raw
broccoli and carrots, fresh peach slices, green grapes & many bowls of
popcorn while watching a movie on cable: “Splendor in the Grass” with
Warren Beatty & Natalie Wood; an emotional flick to experience.

Nick returns our call & gives me a few ideas to try to get our printer
High temp today=89 Lights out: 12:28am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 13, 2005 7:45 AM.

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