Awake: 6:45am Temp 59 Cloudy Elevation 590 ft Overnight @ Sutherlin, OR
After breakfast, Kathy models her newly purchased clothes for me…one
outfit @ a time. She’s looking good: nice fitting & nice matching colors.
I am impressed with her fine taste in clothing. Then she takes a walk &
scouts out the park’s clubhouse…a mere 2 min walk. When she returns, she
de-briefs me on the clubhouse layout & today’s activities. She also brings
3 movies to choose from if Turner Classic Movies on cable tonight doesn’t
show a good one.
I try to call our friend Eliza in Sacramento, CA. No answer.
Kathy has all the energy today…..because now she brings in the ironing
board, sets it up in our bedroom & does ironing while watching some of her
favorite morning TV shows & then……slips in a video & watches ½ of the
movie: “Gi-Gi.”
Meanwhile I check my e-mail & find a note from Eliza to try a different
phone #. This time my call goes thru & we talk for maybe 25 min. We met
Eliza in Singapore in 1996 & have been trying to keep in touch ever since.
Now she is in Sacramento for a few weeks & our planned rendezvous timing
is off. She will be in the states for a few more months so we will have
another opportunity in August and/ or September to meet in Pennsylvania.
Before Kathy begins dinner, we walk the campground for 50 min of exercise.
8:45pm dinner: Sweet Italian sausage from Johnstown PA with spaghetti
sauce, whole wheat noodles, spinach salad & garlic toast.
We watch some cable TV on ballroom dancing, then later I watch some
interesting coverage on the history channel about the Volkswagen Beetle
before WWII & afterwards. Turner Classic Movies evening selection was
science fiction, not to Kathy’s liking.
High temp=81 Lights out: 11:48pm
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