Thursday 23 June 2005

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Awake: 5:35am Temp 55 Partly sunny Overnight @ Sutherlin, OR

Kathy sorts through her vast wardrobe this morning to get rid of the
clothes she’s not wearing any longer…which was a nice bundle. Then she
drives into the town of Sutherland (3 min)(population 5820) to donate this
bundle to the Saint Vincent De Paul thrift store & do some light grocery

During her absence, our Alaskan mail arrives at our site # 88 via
I spend a great deal of time going through that box of mostly good
mail....only 1 bill.

7:00pm dinner: Sautéed tuna steak with garlic sauce, asparagus with
mozzarella cheese & broiled portabella mushroom and Boursin cheese over

Call Stacy in Anchorage…she is not home yet so will call tomorrow.
Late evening reading in bed for both of us.

Today’s high=? Light’s out: 11:30pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 25, 2005 12:51 PM.

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