Thursday 16 June 2005

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Awake: 5:20am Temp 60 Cloudy Overnight @ Portland, Oregon

Casual morning for us, talking to each other & checking our e-mail.

Leave @ 12:30pm for the Hollywood district on Sandy Blvd in Portland to
finish up our paperwork with Mailboxes Etc. Now that is done! Then a quick
stop @ Trader Joe’s to buy some more organic milk for me. Next, we spend
over 2 hrs @ Value Village looking & trying on clothes. We spend about
$10.00 each.

Next we drive to Gresham where we thought there was a Wal-Mart Superstore
as indicated in the phone book. Not yet! The expansion is under
construction & slated to be finished by October this yr. Kathy had quite a
grocery list she wanted to fulfill so we were both a little disappointed.
We return to our campground via Marine Drive….very scenic; to our right
the Columbia River and Vancouver beyond and to our left, the PDX airport.
As we pass by the Portland International airport, dark clouds open up &
the heavy rain begins.

In our campground @ 4:50pm however, only drizzle. Our nearby campsite
neighbor was grilling dinner outside so I advised him that heavy rain was
on its way. The airport is only 3 miles from this campground but that
heavy rain didn’t arrive until 7:00pm…..& then it rained heavy until after

7:15pm dinner: Pork stir-fry, whole wheat noodles, garlic toast & some of
John’s freshly picked Hood strawberries.

Late evening: I watch the history channel: “Modern Marvels” showing film
clips of the Japanese & German aircraft in flight tests (Jet fighters &
Bombers) which were far more advanced than anything the USA had during the
end of WWII. Very enlightening & scary…. Perhaps the outcome of the war
would have been much different if the enemy would have had another 6
months to perfect those new jet fighters.

Kathy watches the history channel also, but not as intently as I, and also
reads her novel.

High temp today=66 Lights out: 11:37

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 18, 2005 7:43 PM.

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