Friday 17 June 2005

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Awake: 6:25am Temp 55 Partly cloudy Overnight @ Portland, OR

After breakfast & now that the streets are fairly dry from the overnight
rain, Kathy & I start walking the campground for exercise….23 min later;
another wave of rain showers and we seek shelter back in the bus.

After lunch, I begin looking up phone #’s of potential people & places we
need to call to change our address & phone # to….now that the Foote’s are
leaving Alaska. An hr & one half later, with Kathy’s help, we have a list
of 33 #’s. Then….I start my calling; mostly on the East coast & mid west
states working the time zone factor. After 9 calls, Kathy suggests we
continue our walk now that the sun is shinning again. “Good idea!” I say.

During our walk, Kathy stops to ask a fellow about his Zephyr (meaning
mild, gentle breeze) motor home. This ends our phone calls & walk for the
day. These two people, Stan & Bev were so interesting to talk with, it
just felt right to hang out with them for awhile & simply, talk the walk &
forget the walk. Stan & Bev are from PA, no wonder they’re such nice

When we finally return to our bus, we begin talking with Jim & Lorraine,
neighbors next to our site, about their lifestyle. J & L are goodwill
ambassadors for Camping World, an RV supply chain throughout the 48
states. C. W. sends them to different states where RV functions are being
held & covers their expenses along the way. As we continue our visit, a
BIG & high powered motor home roars past our site: It’s Dick & Christine
coming in from Newport, OR. Dick makes a few turns & then stops to say
hello…& to invite us to have dinner with them & his family tonight.

Dick has a Honda Odyssey with a GPS system. It took us only 20 min to find
our way to Stanford’s Restaurant & Bar on S.W. River Drive , but it took
Dick & me 30 min to program the route. Hey, we may be slow guys but we’re
thorough…. & we’re seniors.

Dick’s wife, Christine, elected not to join the clan tonight due mainly to
motion sickness from Dick’s driving. Oops, that doesn’t sound so good….but
Dick couldn’t help it! He was caught in accordion traffic (stop & go)
coming in to Portland for over 2 hrs & Christine had…. “had” it for today.
We all missed her company.

So it’s Dick, his son Brian & wife Jan….their daughter Erin & son Ian.
Also Dick’s 2nd oldest son Dave & his wife Tammy….+ Kathy & me @ the
table. Kathy & I split a filet with baked potato & mixed salad. We really
enjoyed meeting Dick’s family….nice people without a doubt. Dick should be
a proud father. We say our goodbye’s to his family & head back to our
campground with little GPS programming necessary.

Today’s high temp=65 Lights out: 11:17pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 18, 2005 7:51 PM.

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