Wednesday 11 May 2005

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Awake: 3:00am…..7:30am Temp 39 Heavy rain overnight @ Sandy, Utah

Rain pelting on our roof wakes me during the night. I wander into the
living room & check outside with a flashlight. I thought it might be hail
but it’s all liquid. It takes me over an hr to get back to sleep.

Again, the waves of heavy rain were off & on throughout the day.

In between the heavy rain, I clean & dry off our 2 phone connections and,
voila, the system works ok again.

We both exercise in our coach using resistance tubing (bungee cords).
Mid afternoon, we start walking the campground for exercise & get chased
back to the bus by heavy rain within 15 min.

6:45pm Dinner: Turkey slices with mashed golden potatoes & gravy, sautéed
zucchini, spinach salad + garlic toast.

Mid evening: watch movie on cable: “Joe Somebody” with Tim Allen. We
thought it was a good flick & funny @ times.

Today’s high temp=50 Lights out: 12:00 midnight

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