Thursday 12 May 2005

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Awake: 6:07am Temp 43 Some clouds Overnight @ Sandy, Utah

I call ahead & make reservations for a camping site in Nampa, Idaho for
Zack calls: He is sick & thinks it might be food poisoning. He wants to
talk to his Mommy, the nurse.
Call Dick in Goodyear, AZ. Just a “how goes it” conversation. They are in
the process of making breakfast so we only cover the highlights.

Start driving the Suzuki toward the Kennecott Bingham Canyon mine @
10:50am., a 35 min trip & another 2200 ft higher in altitude. We side step
a little late season snow covering when walking into the visitors’ center
from the parking lot. This is the world’s largest man-made excavation…more
than ¾ of a mile deep & 2.5 miles wide. They have been producing copper
here since 1906. Looking down into the pit, the huge trucks that haul 320
tons of copper ore to the in-pit crusher look like mini-Tonka toys; the
tires on that truck cost 20,000 dollars each, are 8 ft tall & last approx
1 year.

We spend 2.5 hrs @ the visitors center; watching a movie first on the
mine’s early days, then today’s state-of-the art crushing, conveying,
grinding, flotation & filtration equipment that produces 99.9% pure
copper. There are many exhibits here, displays, artifacts & high powered
microscopes to fill our minds with mining knowledge. It was an excellent
educational experience.

We coast down the mountain, and then make a stop @ the Smith grocery store
where I find my Lindt Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa candy bars for ½ the
regular price. We buy a bunch which should last us a few months.

I had planned to do a little touring on State Street that leads to
downtown Salt Lake City….but then heavy rains returned & reduced our
visibility enough that we change our plans. I drop Kathy off @ the
“Savers” store while I visit the local Sprint cell phone store.

7:10 Dinner: Pork chops, fried noodles & brown rice, broccoli in cream
sauce, apple sauce, fresh mixed salad + toast.

Katrina calls: She’s accepted a teaching position in Denver, CO. She
discusses her moving & traveling plans for June & July. You think she was
busy before, just keep reading her journal in the days ahead….if she has
time to write it.

No movie tonight. We are tired! Just listening to Katrina’s “to do list”
wore us out!

High temp today=55 Lights out: 11:10pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 20, 2005 3:45 PM.

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