Wednesday 2 March 2005

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Awake 5:50am Temp 46 Foggy Overnight @ Midland, Texas

Attend 8:00am mass @ St. Ann's parlor.
After breakfast, we take turns using the modem line in the campground
office for our computer use.

Leave the Midland RV campground @ 12:27pm. Smooth roads continue on I-20.
As we travel across the state of Texas, it's amusing & entertaining to see
the many changes from West to East in the natural & man made landscaping
scenes. For example: Miles of rugged mountainous terrain; miles of desert
emptiness; miles of fields filled with prickly pear cactus; miles of
fields full of rocks; miles of fields with short trees; miles of fields of
red dirt; miles of fields of brown dirt; miles of fields containing debris
of old rusty oil industry equipment, etc.

Arrive @ Tye RV Park @ 3:00pm. An old Good Sam Park that the owner choose
not to be a member of anymore because the inspections were too strict.

Today's travel: 2+40 time 145 miles 15 gal 9.63 mpg 57.2 avg speed

Kathy plugs us into their 50 amp service providing power for our bus.
About 10 mins later, I notice our electrical monitor lights blinking up
front. I run to the outside meter box which is now smoking & making bad
noises. I switch the 50 amp service off & pull the plug. I think the
circuit breaker burned up. Fortunately there is another 50 amp circuit box
5 ft away that is not being used, looks new & healthy so I plug into that
one which works just fine.

6:05pm Dinner: Canned salmon(from Mark of Anchorage)with rice pilaf, fresh
tomatoes, fresh spinach & raisin/ pecan bread.

Call Don & Josie in PA, leave msg for Josie wishing her a happy birthday &
a happy retirement.

Watch movie on cable: " Man in the Grey Flannel Suit." Good flick with
Gregory Peck.

High temp today: 65 Lights out: 10:22pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 7, 2005 8:00 AM.

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