Tuesday 1 March 2005

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Awake 6:00am Temp 40 Clear sky Overnight @ Midland, TX

Attend 8:00am mass @ St. Ann's Parlor in Midland.

A casual day for us. Kathy continues organizing her photo albums & I pay
some bills both by check & on line. Mid day, I call Tye RV park near
Abilene, TX & make reservations for tomorrow & Thursday.

I also call Tommy @ Newell. I ask him about our auto transfer switch on
our motorhome. It hasn't been picking up the auxilary generator & taking
the load, twice now. It tries by cycling but doesn't lock in. Tommy says
I could take a stick & push the contacts together but be careful. As long
as I have shore power, I won't need the generator but it's nice to have
this info in the event we do need it.

6:00pm Dinner: Italian sausage from Johnstown, PA, with homemade marinara
sauce, whole wheat pasta, fresh mixed salad & garlic bread.

Mid evening: Watch movie on cable: "Outrageous Fortune." This flick was
good & funny.

High temp today=70 Lights out: 11:00pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 6, 2005 6:21 AM.

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