Wednesday 16 March 2005

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Awake 5:20am Temp inside the service bldg 66 Overnight in service bay

We attend 9:00am mass @ Sacred Heart church.

A lot of activity going on in the service bldg today--like most days I'm
sure. 25 tech workers keep busy on more than a dozen coaches each day they
work. Most coaches are here for the routine maintenance + repairing a few
glitches like we are....or others, to make minor/major changes to the
interior of their coach. We've seen a lot of NASCAR coaches come & go
between races. I've been told that at least one half of the NASCAR
motorhomes are Newells.

I find Tommy & ask him if the shoe rack in my closet could possibly be
converted to book shelves. After taking a good look at it: He says, "No
problem! I'll get a man on it tomorrow.

Tommy visits us late morning with a FedEx's our Alaska mail
sent by Melissa & Kevin. Thanks guys.

Early afternoon, the BIG German hydraulic jacks(6) are rolled over to our
bay. Each jack is capable of lifting 15,000 lbs in unison. We are asked to
retract our 4 slides so the jacks can be positioned around each external
tire for lifting our coach.

Mike, the Allison transmission expert from Tulsa calls to let us know he
is running late. Before the service techs leave for the day, they jack our
coach off the floor approximately 2 ft.

@ 6:15pm, I find Kathy & ask her if she is getting hungry. Then find a
ladder so she can easily enter our airborne bus to start cooking.

7:30 Dinner: Alaska salmon, veggies & fresh mixed salad. While we are
eating our dinner, Mike arrives. He apologizes for being so late. He's had
a busy day.
Mike runs one test with a monitor connected to the transmission with the
engine running & quickly confirms that the unit will need to be removed,
taken to Tulsa & opened up to find out "what happened?" Mike has worked
for Allison since 1979 & reports that to his knowledge, only 4 failures of
this 6 speed transmission have occurred. He spends over 3 hrs removing &
loading the unit onto his truck using his truck crane. He will call us
tomorrow & let us know what he finds out.

Late evening: We watch the 3rd annual "Classic TV & TV Land Awards" on
cable. It was very interesting seeing so many senior actors still alive &
getting awards for their efforts of yesteryear.

High temp outside today=63 Lights out: 11:10pm

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