Tuesday 15 March 2005

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Awake 5:13am Temp inside service bldg 66 Rain outside
Overnight inside the Service bay @ Newell

This morning, the guys are changing filters throughout our motorhome:
Engine oil, transmission, air drying system, hydraulic systems, water
system, auxiliary generator, air conditioners, fuel, small diesel backup
heating system, etc.

We slip out & attend 9:00am mass @ Sacred Heart church. When we return,
Kathy calls Melissa in Anchorage from the customer service lounge...all
appears to be OK for the kids in the land of cool.

Mid afternoon, Larry & Gary begin running tests on just about everything
they've changed filters on. When they get to the engine & transmission,
they jack up the drive wheels, select the transmission in drive with one
foot on the brake & the other on the throttle to get a constant RPM until
the transmission begins to read a certain temperature. Into this procedure
about 2 min, the engine stopped suddenly. I was sitting @ our computer
desk casually observing all of this so I was an in house witness. The guys
were baffled! It shouldn't have done this. Next comes an electronic test
monitor that plugs into a receptacle on the dash to take a more serious
look @ the parameter readings. Another tech Ron, confirms that something
is definitely wrong. Larry & Gary go underneath the coach for further
tests &, again, they come up with....there is a problem. About 4:00pm, we
are told that the Allison expert in Tulsa(80 miles Southwest) will visit
tomorrow early afternoon to make further tests.

6:15pm Dinner: Filet steaks with baked potato & fresh mixed salad.

After dinner, Kathy surfs the cable TV network & watches the marquee
selections for a worthwhile movie to watch tonight....the options are
poor. So we start watching a program on the History channel: "Break Las
Vegas." I found this to be very interesting but my partner obviously did
not as I kept hearing what appeared to be a muffled diesel engine running
over on our couch.

After that hr of high tech card counting wizardry stuff, we begin watching
the movie: "Crazy/Beautiful." After 30 min of this, that muffled diesel
engine started running again + I was beginning to lose patience for when
the crazy would cease & the beautiful would begin in this movie. We'd had

High temp today outside=48 Lights out: 10:46pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 19, 2005 8:57 AM.

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