Sunday 6 March 2005

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Awake 6:30am Temp 57 High overcast Overnight @ Sanger, Texas

Casual morning for us. We have instant on phone service here which makes
it very convenient for us to use our computer or make calling card long
distance phone calls that we can both talk @ the same time.

Mid morning, I call my young friend Ray in Long Beach, WA. We gab about 50
min covering a number of topics, especially our families.

@ 11:30am We join our neighbors Ron & Vi + Ron's daughter Pat, her husband
Greg, & their 4 children...& walk to the clubhouse restaurant for a buffet
lunch. Since we had skipped breakfast this morning & the food was so good,
this meal could suffice for most of the day. These are good people to hang
out with.

Mid afternoon, we visit with Ron & Vie again to see their new 4 slide
Phantom motorhome.....very nice.

Late afternoon, we start making phone calls & take advantage of our
instant on service. Call the Footes in briefly with
Kevin. Melissa & Matthew just started napping so we'll call them later.

Call Nick in Seattle: He's @ Isilon doing some computer work now with
plans of meeting a colleague in about an hr. He sounds good & is happy
that his plans of marriage are moving along smoothly. We talk for 50 min.

Call Zack in Seattle: Zack is recovering from a cold & just returned from
buying a new mattress. He reports liking his job & tries to snow us with
some complicated computer facts. We talk for 40 min.

Call the Footes again. Kevin's Mom just left last evening after visiting
for 9 days, so they are still recouping from that excitement. We talk for
about 50 min.

7:50pm Dinner snack: Leftover chicken stir fry with waldorf salad.

Call Katrina in Anchorage: She gives us a glowing report about her
week-end retreat in Willow, AK with 70 other kids from her Change Point
church. Aside from her allergy, she reports doing well. We talk for an hr.

It's comforting for us parents to talk with our children & know that they
are doing well in their lives. We miss hanging out with them but also
realize, that they too have their own world to live in & enjoy.

Todays high temp=67 Lights out: 12:24am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 8, 2005 7:07 AM.

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