Monday 7 March 2005

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Awake 6:43am Temp 54 Sunny Overnight @ Sanger, Texas

Casual morning. @ 1:30pm, we drive to Denton(20 min) & tour the downtown
Denton area & square. The Denton County Courthouse with its massive
limestone walls and soaring clock tower has been called "the most
picturesque pile of rocks in North Texas." We then drive thru the campus
of Texas Woman's University (the nation's largest univ primarily for
women) & spend maybe 35 min experiencing the "Little Chapel in the Woods"
where First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt attended the dedication ceremonies in
1939. Ten stained glass windows, designed by students, depict the theme
"Women Ministering to Human Needs." Neat!

Then some light shopping @ Wal-Mart before attending 5:00pm mass @ the
Immaculate Conception church on the other side of town from the Wal-Mart.
Rush hr traffic was heavy so we arrived about 2 min late. Afterward, we
return to the Wal-Mart shopping area & visit the Cingular Cell phone store
to discuss better reception with our cell phone while traveling. No
decision made. Back to the bus @ 8:20pm.

9:15 Dinner: Leftover eggplant parmesan & fresh mixed salad.

Later evening: Watch video from clubhouse library: "Air America" with Mel
Gibson & Robert Downey Jr. Action packed with airplanes & choppers...but
this flick was not the down to earth style that Kathy likes.

High temp today=63 Lights out: 12:52am

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