Sunday 27 February 2005

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Awake 7:45am Temp 36 Sunny Overnight Midland, Texas

Leave @ 11:30am for Odessa, TX(15 min drive) to see the downtown area &
then to visit the George H.W. Bush Presidential library. One brochure
advertized it would be open for touring today...another said it was not.
Well, the latter was right on, it was closed up. So we visit an HEB
grocery store & buy a few needed supplies, take them back to the bus &
then visit the downtown area of Midland, TX(10 min drive). Interesting
difference in these two cities, both are associated big time with the oil
industry but Midland is so much more advanced economically than it's
neighbor Odessa. Population for each, approximately 90,000. Downtown
Midland looks like it could be Houston or many high rise
business buildings: banks, hotels, convention center, etc. Many churches
of different denominations. Both cities claim the Bush's resided in their
town....& that's true.

Late afternoon, we take our test phone to the campground office & use
their modem line to return Nick's cell phone call. Short talk with Nick as
he was rendezvousing with a colleague to work on a project for their class
at UW.

8:30 Dinner: Italian beef sandwich....The beef & juice was from Luke's in
Remainder of evening, we watch Oscar Awards on cable TV. Such opulence!

High temp today=58 lights out: 11:10pm

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