Saturday 26 February 2005

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Awake 5:55am Temp 45 Cloudy overnight El Paso, Texas

First thing this morning, I call Midland RV campground & make a
reservation for tonight. We watch the weather channel on cable & there is
a possibility of some rain Eastbound on I-20.

Leave the Samson RV park @ 9:40am. The smooth roads continue...about 3 hrs
later we catch up with the rain Eastbound. Arrive @ the Midland RV
Campground @ 3:40pm (including time zone change).

Today's travel: 5+02 282 miles 31.5 gal 8.96 mpg 57.3 avg speed

Heavy rain when arriving this campground & very muddy...both car &
motorhome a dirty mess. We use Wal-Mart bags on our feet when walking to
our car, then remove the bags.

Attend St. Ann's 5:30 mass in Midland(12 min drive). The mass lasted 1.5
hrs however. The Bishop presided & honored the represented scout packs.
It's a very large church & was well attended.

8:30pm Dinner: Leftover stuffed peppers with 4 bean salad.

Late evening: Watch cable movie:"Dangerous minds." We both liked this movie.

High temp today= 53 lights out: 12:36am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 2, 2005 4:20 PM.

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