Sunday 20 February 2005

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Awake 5:02am Temp 42 Mostly sunny & windy Overnight @ Deming, N.M.

Casual morning. I make a quick run to a nearby Wal-Mart for milk, then
some reading & planning for our next campground move.
@ 11:35, we leave for the St. Clair Winery visitors center, the largest
winery in New Mexico. There is no tour, only a nice hospitality and
tasting room. We spent over an hr here...sampling, of course, but even
more, talking with our hostess, who lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for 37 yrs.
She worked @ the University & without a doubt, has seen & experienced more
of Alaska then we ever will. We liked their Chardonnay wine a lot, so we
bought 2 bottles.

Next, we drive into Deming & spend nearly 2 hrs @ the Luna Mimbres Museum.
This place is a sleeper, a diamond in the rough so to speak. So much to
see, so interesting to read about. It is a notable museum of New Mexico.

5:00pm Dinner: Turkey tenders with turkey gravy, potatoes, broccoli with
cream sauce & fresh salad.

@ 6:15 we attend an Ice Cream social @ the club house. Nice friendly
people who enjoy the RV lifestyle. I think we'll fit in nicely.

Early evening: Watch video: "Indictment." An excellent flick. You won't
nap during this movie....based on a true story.

High temp today=65 Lights out: 10:30pm

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