Monday 21 February 2005

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Awake 5:05am Temp 39 High thin clouds West Overnight @ Deming, N.M.

@ 9:00am this morning, we sign up for the Escapee one yr membership.
Advantages: More options on campgrounds across the nation...& @ a lower

Another plan today is to sign up for the "TengoInternet" wireless access
system they have here & throughout the lower 48 states. I started the
process by going on line & signing up @ 10:30am. 3 hrs later, I am not
able to download. Spent over an hr talking with the guru's in California
to no avail. In short, they tell me something is blocking normal
downloads. It was a little frustrating. So for now, I quit. Maybe I'll try
again in the morning.

Meanwhile, Kathy has been reading a novel & relaxing in the coach. And
they say woman live longer because...?

@ 3:30pm we walk this small campground for exercise.

5:05pm Dinner: Hey, guess what, I don't remember. I'll ask Kathy. Guess
what, since we are writing this 9 days after the fact, I don't remember

Watch video from clubhouse: "Passenger 57." Good flick. Lots of action.

Late evening reading in bed.

High temp today=63 Lights out: 10:32pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 2, 2005 6:16 AM.

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