Sunday 13 March 2005

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Awake 6:51am Temp 38 Partly sunny & windy Overnight @ Miami, OK
Newell motorcoach campground

Kathy makes her famous sourdough pancakes with eggs & bacon.

Cool outside & very windy. I venture out a few times to look @ the other
Newell motorhomes in the area. Kathy stays in our warm bus throughout the

I call Dick & Christine, leave a "Happy Anniversary" message.

Remainder of the day: I look through old magazines & cut out articles
relating to traveling interests...things to see & do. Kathy reads some of
her novel & some motorhome magazines.

Early 5:00pm Dinner: Kathy's famous Chili & triscuits.

After dinner: Watch double feature movie on cable with popcorn: "The
Truman Story" with Jim Carry & "Winning" with Paul Newman. We preferred
the Truman story over Winning.

High temp today=50 Lights out: 11:25pm

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