Saturday 12 March 2005

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Awake 6:58am Temp 53 Clear Overnight @ Bartlesville, OK

After moving the bus about 1000 feet, then draining our black water tank,
we leave the Riverside RV Resort @ 11:24am. It was a nice & convenient
campground for us with some extremely good campground owners.

All of our travel today was on country roads & driving through small towns
which slowed our average speed a little. We arrived @ the Newell
Motorcoach Factory campground @ 1:23pm.

Today's travel: 1+59 min 82.4 miles 10.25 gal 8.04 mpg 43.2 avg speed

After parking, we drive our dirty Suzuki into town & have it laser washed
by the touchless system. Then we attend 5:00pm Mass @ the Church 0f the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. Back to the bus @ 6:20pm.

7:30 Dinner: Leftover tuna casserole, asparagus in roasted garlic & olive
oil + raisin/pecan bread.

Evening time: Watch classic movie on cable: "The Big Sleep" with Lauren
Bacall & Humphrey Bogart. The plot was so complicated, it distracted us
from enjoying the movie.

High temp today=82 Lights out: 11:19pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 15, 2005 4:15 PM.

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