Sunday 6 February 2005

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Awake 5:28am Temp 46 Partly sunny-mid afternoon rain Sun City, AZ

We invite Robin, the fellow who is also camping here @ Al & Wilma's ranch,
to have breakfast with us this morning.

10:00am breakfast: Locally grown grapefruit & orange slices, Kathy's
sourdough pancakes with bacon, eggs & toast. We talk over breakfast for
4.3 hrs. Robin is a very interesting fellow, originally from England, now
living full time in their motorhome with a thriving business in Toronto,
Canada. His wife is currently visiting England and will return mid week.

Mid afternoon, Gary & Grace call from Landenburg, Pa. They just returned
last evening from spending 10 days in the Dominican Republic on a
business/pleasure trip.

@ 4:15 we take a walk for exercise through a section of Sun City & find a
miniature golf course & swimming pool. When we checked in to play a round,
we are told one has to be a member of the Sun City community & also a
resident. That leaves us out. En route back to the motorhome, we find
several huge bins of grapefruit & oranges in a parking lot for the taking.
So...we carry as much as is comfortable.

Before dinner, we call Glen de St Jean in Colorado. They sold their home
on 35 acres & bought a smaller one in LaVeta, CO. The winters & the drive
into town was beginning to be too much every yr. Their home was @ 8600 ft

Next we call Melissa in Anchorage. It's been really cold but they are
doing fine. We ask her to send our accumulated mail to Sun City.

7:15 Dinner: turkey tenders with gravy, sweet potatoes, mixed sauted
veggies, 4 bean salad & garlic bread.

Watch Masterpiece Theater part II on local TV channel.

Later evening, we call Sam de St Jean in Pasadena, CA., Glen's wife. She
is visiting her sister while doing follow up cancer testing. She says she
is feeling very good and is happy for both of us for selling our homes so
that we can all move on doing the things we want to do.

High temp today=64 Lights out: 11:15 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 23, 2005 4:52 PM.

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