Monday 7 February 2005

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Awake 6:02am Temp 51 Mostly cloudy Overnight Sun City, AZ

After breakfast, Kathy irons clothes in the bedroom while watching her
favorite TV programs. Meanwhile, I relax & read the Arizona Republic
Newspaper...then do some bird watching from our living room windows with
my 10 power binoculars.

After lunch, we take a drive to our nearest libraries here in Sun City &
Youngtown to get a library card so we can take out videos & DVDs. No deal,
you have to be a resident of Sun City or exception. Ok, so
next we drive 9 miles toward Phoenix & visit the Peoria Public Library.
Here their policy is to show an address in Maricopa County where you
receive your mail, then you're qualified for a card....a snowbird
convenience. Alright, so as soon as Melissa sends our mail, we'll have
that address.

En route back to Rancho Ventura, we stop at a strip shopping area in Sun
City. In this strip mall, they have 3 thrift stores & Kathy has that look
in her eye smile on her face...I think we'll be here awhile. Little did
either of us know, they close promply @ 4:00pm. These stores are all run
by volunteers. Kathy exited empty handed & I bought a classic caulking gun
for 25 cents. Then we drive over to the huge bins where we load up with
more free grapefruit & oranges. Back to the coach @ 5:10.

8:00pm Dinner: Kathy's famous Chili with triscuits.

9:00 pm watch PBS documentary on "Building the Alaska-Canada Highway."

High temp today=62 Lights out: 11:26 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 23, 2005 4:55 PM.

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