Wednesday 12 January 2005

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Awake 6:30 am Temp downtown -3 Clear 6 hrs 15 min daylight

My brother Don calls @ 8:55 am. The not-so-good news: One of my favorite
aunts passed away Aunt Clarissa. She was 96 & quite the classy
lady. A real mainstay in the Kirsch clan, she will be missed & talked
about for yrs.

Mid morning, We take another load over to our storage unit: A Stuffed
chair & footrest & 2 Lazy Boy chairs. Round trip time= 55 min.

2nd load to storage unit: End tables, coffee table, computer desk & 3
table lamps. I drive & unload alone & do some close stacking during my
visit. Round trip time= 1 hr 20 min. During my time away, Kathy is
organizing some items to be donated to Salvation Army.
Next, we take time to do the on-line permanent fund dividend application
for the yr 2004. This will undoubtly be our last yr to qualify.

Katrina arrives for a visit & dinner.
8:00 pm Dinner: Chicken Tenders with pasta & prego sauce, peas & toast.

@ 8:20 pm: Mark & 2 of his helpers arrive to take our 1971 Hide-A-Bed
away. It will be used in their church social room. It's in great shape &
was recovered during the late 80's.

Katrina leaves @ 9:30. Kathy gives her many food items from our
refrigerator + spices & misc things that we don't have time to consume
before leaving.

Nick had called just as we started eating so we return his call. He's been
busy, sounds good & appears to be getting more comfortable with his
wedding plans this July 24.

Later evening: We continue watching library DVD "Down With Love." Well,
the grumbler did pay closer attention this time & actually enjoyed the
movie after all. I would consider this to be a Chick Flick.

Lights out: 12:27 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 25, 2005 1:46 PM.

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