Tuesday 11 January 2005

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Awake 5:20 am Temp downtown 1 Clear 6 hrs 11 min daylight

After breakfast, Kathy continues shampooing the lower floor carpets.

I pack a few more boxes, then turn the switch to warm up the Ford Van's
crankcase oil again in anticipation of driving & parking it over @ the
Foote condo for the remainder of the winter. While the oil is warming up,
I load the Foote's bunk bed rails, plywood & mattresses into the van. I
wait about 2 hrs & then try to start that BIG diesel... & it did run for
about 10 seconds... & that was it! I cranked the engine a few more times
but soon realized the fuel I have in the tanks is summer diesel... & that
fuel is probably gelled @ this temperature. So no more attempts until
warmer temps.

@ 2:00 pm, we drive the RAV 4 with it's load of the Foote's head & foot
boards plus the slats to their condo & carry them up 3 flights of stairs
to the waiting Melissa & Matthew. We visit with them for about 20 min,
then find the local Kirby dealer to get more shampoo & maybe a new belt
for the roller brush system.
Next stop, the has mat center to get rid of more paint cans & bleach. Back
home @ 3:30.

Again we load our RAV 4. This time with 4 chairs & 5 boxes. Leave @ 4:25
.. to the library, drop off books & movies & pick up new movies. Then a
quick stop & our credit union, then to our storage unit to unload the
chairs & boxes. From here, we head to Mark & Marcia's place for Dinner.
We've been wanting to accept their invitation for quite awhile, but felt
that our organization & moving out of our house comes first. Maybe now, we
are a little more comfortable with our progress.
6:00 pm Dinner: Blackened Alaskan Salmon caught & grilled by Mark, with
rice & spinach salad. For dessert, 3 choices of ice cream & chocolate
covered cookies. I enjoyed that blackened Salmon recipe a lot. After
dinner, we all play their pinball machine in their downstairs den. Both
Mark & Marcia are very good @ this game. Later we relax upstairs in their
living room & talk about their future & our future plans & how we can
rendezvous during our travels. They also are RV advocates & have a
motorhome. A very nice evening. We are back home @ 9:30 pm.

Start watching library DVD movie: "Down with love." We didn't get very far
with this flick when somebody grumbled that the movie isn't very good....
& somebody else replied that the grumbler hasn't been paying close
attention! Sooooo, we will continue this again tomorrow.
Lights out: 11:37 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 15, 2005 12:21 AM.

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