Saturday 22 January 2005

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Awake 6:32 am Temp outside 53 Clear Overnight Sun City, AZ

Could not get on-line using our local# @ Al's ranch. All #'s for this msn
ISP are from Phoenix & they may be toll calls. I'll wait & check this out
later with Al when he's back in town.

I clean the windshield, mirrors & rear camera window. Then check the oil,
run Detroit diesel engine which runs the air compressor &, using the
doubler, I am able to get 180 lbs per square inch of air pressure. I find
both of my tag tires a little low on air, so I pump them back to 85 psi.
My main dual tires are Ok @ 120 psi, front tires Ok @ 130 psi.

Dump 6 empty boxes in the Dumpster en route to 4:00 pm mass @ St. Joachim
& St. Anne Church. Back to coach @ 5:10.

7:30 Dinner: Chicken in marinated mozzarella sauce, brown & wild rice
pilaf & fresh spinach salad.

Try to call Frank & Kay staying in a nearby answer. Try to
call Katrina(leave msg); Call Nick: He helped Zack move into his apt
yesterday. Call Zack: He's 1/3 organized into his apt now & getting his
voice back. Call the Foote family. Their bonus room (old bedroom) is all
rearranged now & working out well.

Late evening: we watch some local channel TV.

High temp today=77 Lights out: 12:40 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 29, 2005 11:01 AM.

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