Friday 21 January 2005

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Awake 7:14 am Temp outside 58 Cloudy Overnight in Sun City, Arizona

I sleep well. Kathy however, had a dream of opening her dresser drawers &
every one of them was took her 1.5 hrs to get back to sleep.

Mid morning, we empty our suitcases & the garment bag...then organize.

Late morning, Brian, son of Al & Wilma, arrives @ the shop. When I visit
him I notice our 6 FedEx boxes have already arrived. The remainder of the
afternoon & some evening time is dedicated to finding a place for these

8:05 pm Dinner: Stuffed peppers with broccoli & toast.

Some late evening bedroom organizing by Kathy...then some local TV watching.

I call our voice mailbox in Anchorage for messages(4).

High temp today 63 Lights out: 11:34 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 29, 2005 10:58 AM.

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