Wednesday 3 November 2004

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Awake 6:08 am Temp 25 Cloudy with snow 8hrs 17 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 8:10..finished @ 10:45. I like this
exercise routine but 5 days a week is a little too much for me. Mon, Wed,
& Fri is more my style. It is Kathy's choice to do this for a few weeks
to... "shock our bodies." After a few weeks of this, she agrees to the 3
days per week plan. After our workout, I sit in the cafe & yak with Gorden
& Jerry & listen to George W. Bush's acceptance speech.

Call Teresa to see if she has received the fax from Woody & Chong's
lender....she has & we can pick it up @ noon time. So it's off to FSBO
again. And now, we have the earnest money receipt & agreement to purchase
papers. Teresa makes some changes as per our request & we get 4 copies.
Home @ 1:45.

It's been snowing a lot this after our oatmeal breakfast/lunch,
I snowblow the driveway. We have about a foot so far & it's still snowing.
Kathy shovels the sidewalk & front porch. After I finish our driveway, I
ask Kathy for another pair of dry gloves...then drive the Kubota tractor
over to our neighbor Harry's place to snowblow his driveway. Oh, he is
home already & working with his walk behind snowblower & refuses my help.
I appreciate that as I am already cold & the wind is picking up.

When I finish parking the tractor in the garage, I change clothes & sit by
the fireplace until I hear the call for dinner. Kathy has selected the
perfect meal: her homemade Chili & Toast. Wonderful.

Lights out: 11:09 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 3, 2004 10:04 PM.

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