Thursday 4 November 2004

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Awake 5:52 am Temp downtown 18 Partly cloudy 8 hrs 11 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:55..finish & dressed @ 11:35.
Afterward we shop @ Fred Meyers(groceries & lots of meat on sale)...then a
library stop to return films, DVD's & books--then take out more of the
same. Our roads are very slick & icy today. School classes were delayed by
one hr. Home @ 1:35 pm.

Kathy makes cream of wheat for our late breakfast/lunch, then I snowblow
the driveway & shovel the back porch while Kathy shovels off the sidewalk
& front porch.

7:45 Dinner: New York steak, asparagus, mixed rice & toast.

Mid evening: Watch 1/2 of library movie: "Always." Good flick so far.
Kathy was falling asleep so we will continue tomorrow night.

Lights out: 11:15 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 3, 2004 10:06 PM.

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